To manage software projects in today's tough financial climate
it is essential to forecast costs correctly. By understanding software
costs and what drives them you can consider all the options and
make critical decisions with confidence. Above all, the ability
to estimate costs effectively allows you to plan projects better
and gives you that vital competitive edge - both as a customer for
or developer of important software systems.
Eagle Vector has developed a methodology, based on the use of the
PRICE True Planning tool, that enables all major project software
decisions to be made in the light of full knowledge concerning impacts
on costs. It facilitates the cost analysis of software project options
from requirements and vendor selection options through to in-service
upgrade options.
Full Software Lifecycle costing support
Eagle Vector can assist clients in undertaking:
- Software development and support modelling through all lifecycle
phases - including the initial concept phase
- Budget and Cost Plan development
- Contractor negotiations
- Cost Benefit and Risk analyses
- In-house staff resources analysis and costing
- Analysis of the cost impacts of new languages, methods and technology
- Software development monitoring
- Software Quality Assurance
Cost Estimating Systems
Eagle Vector has available a wide range of methods, techniques
and add-on tools that can be used with PRICE True Planning in order
to provide a complete lifecycle costing process tailored to the
needs of particular clients. We can provide:
- A library of PRICE True Planning Software Cost Models
- The development of client specific add-on tools
- Project standards and guidelines
- Software development and support metrics
- Function Point Analysis
- Software requirements management
PRICE and PRICE True Planning are registered trademarks of